Experience savings like never before with Vomar. This Android app is your ultimate companion for maximizing your shopping benefits. As a Vomar shopper, you are guaranteed the lowest prices every time, and the app brings even more advantages right to your fingertips. The free 'Customer-is-King' program enables you to access numerous exclusive offers and rewards that enhance your shopping experience.
Unique Savings Opportunities
The Vomar app offers a 6% premium savings opportunity that provides instant access to your balance, ensuring you always know how much you have saved. Participate in the 'Club is King' savings program to enjoy complimentary benefits, which can help you achieve further discounts and rewards.
Stay Informed and Save More
Discover offers before anyone else by accessing the digital catalog available every week from 3 p.m. in the app. This means you'll be ahead of the game when it comes to spotting great deals. Additionally, the app offers a personal Advantage Voucher, granting discounts on fresh pastries for your birthday, making your celebrations even more special.
Convenience at Your Fingertips
Say goodbye to worrying about losing paper coupons or cards. With the Vomar app, you always have your digital card handy, allowing for seamless and efficient savings as you shop. This easy access ensures you never miss out on potential savings.
Download Vomar today and become part of a community that values cost-effective shopping with exceptional benefits.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 6.0 or higher required
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